This was the first picture I took with my first tattoo.. so often people ask me to design a tattoo for them based on my painting style..
I have been talking about this concept with my tattoo artist 👩🏻‍🎤 and we might want to organize a special day were people can het a #josephklibansky #tattoo ..🔥 good idea? 💡

This was the first picture I took with my first tattoo.. so often people ask me to design a tattoo for them based on my painting style.. I have been talking about this concept with my tattoo artist 👩🏻‍🎤 and we might want to organize a special day were people can het a #josephklibansky #tattoo ..🔥 good idea? 💡

Related Items for: This was the first picture I took with my first tattoo.. so often people ask me to design a tattoo for them based on my painting style.. I have been talking about this concept with my tattoo artist 👩🏻‍🎤 and we might want to organize a special day were people can het a #josephklibansky #tattoo ..🔥 good idea? 💡