“Reflections of Truth” is a series of 3 sculptures I created to illustrate the journey of succes..
1. the first sculpture illustrates the craving for wealth and succes
2. The second sculpture shown in this photograph shows the burden of wealth and succes.
The character is walking around with a heavy large diamond on it’s neck
3. The third sculpture is laying flat on the ground , squashed by the ever growing diamond.
It poses the question.. when is enough actually enough?
At what point is a person happy..? And do we need all this in our lives? Or did we start something not knowing what it would end up being ..? 🏹
My “Thought painting” room in china 🇨🇳 was one on the most things exhibition spaces we created.. I would definitely want to do this again and invite you all to come and take some cool pictures! 📸
99% of artist don’t do their own bronze casting “in house” .. and I understand why.
It’s a very labour intensive undertaking and you really need to build a dedicated team to help you.
As you can see here it’s a delicate and well coordinated “dance” with a pot of molten metal that could go wrong in many different ways if you are not focused.
But it’s also one of the most beautiful and satisfying parts of making ar for me 🙏🏼
Here you can see how we pour the melted bronze into a rough sand shape to cast a part of my sculpture.
All the parts have to be welded together and finished into a high gloss surface.
🔥 after the process in this video we still have about 6 months of work.