“Reflections of Truth 1” My first sculpture in the “Reflections” series.
Expresses the concept of craving for success while remaining truthful during this journey.
The diamond in this sculpture is the symbol for succes, while the Pinocchio figure asks questions about being honest and having self reflection.
#kunst #art #contemporaryart

“Reflections of Truth 1” My first sculpture in the “Reflections” series. Expresses the concept of craving for success while remaining truthful during this journey. The diamond in this sculpture is the symbol for succes, while the Pinocchio figure asks questions about being honest and having self reflection. . . #kunst #art #contemporaryart

Related Items for: “Reflections of Truth 1” My first sculpture in the “Reflections” series. Expresses the concept of craving for success while remaining truthful during this journey. The diamond in this sculpture is the symbol for succes, while the Pinocchio figure asks questions about being honest and having self reflection. . . #kunst #art #contemporaryart