The concept behind this sculpture titled “When life gives you lemons” 🍋  is to put things into perspective.. let me explain.
The grumpy and powerful gorilla symbolizes the human caught up in their daily lives, worrying about all sorts off problems and thereby missing the most beautiful and precious moments right in front of them.
Imagine a little girl unexpectedly putting these cute mini mouse ears on the head of a grumpy man walking past her and everyone bursts out laughing.. putting everything the man was worrying about into perspective and let him enjoy the moment a bit more .

The concept behind this sculpture titled “When life gives you lemons” 🍋 is to put things into perspective.. let me explain. The grumpy and powerful gorilla symbolizes the human caught up in their daily lives, worrying about all sorts off problems and thereby missing the most beautiful and precious moments right in front of them. Imagine a little girl unexpectedly putting these cute mini mouse ears on the head of a grumpy man walking past her and everyone bursts out laughing.. putting everything the man was worrying about into perspective and let him enjoy the moment a bit more .

Related Items for: The concept behind this sculpture titled “When life gives you lemons” 🍋 is to put things into perspective.. let me explain. The grumpy and powerful gorilla symbolizes the human caught up in their daily lives, worrying about all sorts off problems and thereby missing the most beautiful and precious moments right in front of them. Imagine a little girl unexpectedly putting these cute mini mouse ears on the head of a grumpy man walking past her and everyone bursts out laughing.. putting everything the man was worrying about into perspective and let him enjoy the moment a bit more .